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Privacy statement

Interfilter B.V. considers the protection of personal data of essential importance. We process your data with the utmost care.
With this privacy statement, we inform you about how we handle personal data.

1. Who is responsible for processing your data?

In this privacy statement, Interfilter B.V. (hereinafter: “Interfilter” or “we”) describes how it handles your personal data as the data controller.

2. What is personal data?

Information about an identified or identifiable natural person is personal data. Whether certain information should be classified as personal data also depends on whether Interfilter has lawful means that it is reasonably expected to use to identify an individual.

3. Personal data we process

We process personal data about you because you provide data to us when entering into an agreement with us, but also when you use our services and thereby provide us with data or allow us to record data about your interests and preferences.

Data provided to us
If you enter into an agreement with Interfilter, we need the following personal data from you:

  • name and address;
  • contact details (phone numbers, email addresses);
  • date of birth;
  • gender;
  • customer number(s);
  • financial data (bank account information, quotes, invoices).

In addition, Interfilter processes the following data that may qualify as personal data in the context of executing an agreement with you or providing a service to you:

  • username and passwords;
  • other data relevant to the respective agreement.

Data about your use of our services and/or products
When you use Interfilter's services or otherwise contact us, we process the following data, depending on the exact use you make of them, which may be seen as personal data:

  • data related to your peripherals, such as a MAC address, IP address, or other number;
  • your communication preferences and settings;
  • data we associate with certain patterns, such as a status in the profile we create about you based on your consumption behavior (e.g., the frequency with which you make a purchase or use a service);
  • browsing behavior, determined based on our own observations or cookies (see also article 9 of this privacy statement);
  • customer satisfaction data;
  • data about your use of our support department.

4. No processing of data from persons under 16 years old

We do not intend to collect data from website visitors who are younger than 16 years old. We recommend that parents be involved in their children's online activities to prevent Interfilter from processing their personal data.

5. Processing: bases and legitimate interests

Personal data processing is based on the following grounds from article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation:

  1. Consent;
  2. Performance of an agreement with you;
  3. Legal obligation;
  4. Performance of a task carried out in the public interest;
  5. Legitimate interest of Interfilter or a third party.

Legitimate interests include, among others: marketing, advertising, security, (crime) prevention, IT management, research and analysis of own products or services, business administration, legal affairs, internal management.

6. Purposes for processing personal data

Interfilter processes your personal data for the purposes listed below. The number behind each purpose corresponds to the basis mentioned in article 5 of this privacy statement.

  • Building and maintaining the customer relationship, including maintaining a direct relationship between the data controller and related financial service providers, for commercial purposes [basis: 2, 5].
  • Handling orders (including invoicing), processing in financial administrations, and logistical handling [basis: 2, 5].
  • Providing customer service, including service around purchasing services and products, fulfilling warranty obligations and product recalls for our own services, handling complaints and requests [basis: 2, 3, 4, or 5].
  • In some cases, maintaining communication to proactively contact users in the context of vehicle defects or malfunctions or to schedule service appointments, including enabling mobility services [basis: 2 or 5].
  • Conducting market research to improve our business operations, brands, services, and products [basis: 5].
  • Communicating with stakeholders and providing a loyalty program [basis: 1 or 5].
  • Approaching you with offers or other commercial information. You always have the option to unsubscribe by objecting. All communication indicates how you can do this [basis: 1 or 5].
  • Improving the content of our communication by tailoring it to your personal preference [basis: 5].
  • (Further) developing and improving new and existing products and services [basis: 5].
  • Measuring customer satisfaction, providing management information, and determining overall business strategy [basis: 1 or 5].
  • Organizing events for data analysis purposes to improve or develop products or services, where participants of these events work with personal data in (pseudo) anonymous form - not directly traceable to you as a natural person -, as far as permitted by applicable law [basis: 5].
  • Complying with legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our rights and agreements [basis: 3, 4, or 5].
  • Improving data quality using address validation techniques [basis: 5].
  • Linking and analyzing cookies from our websites to known customer data. We do this to tailor the content of our communication as much as possible to your personal preference [basis: 1 or 5].

7. Sharing with third parties

Interfilter shares your personal data with third parties in the following cases and with corresponding reasons. The number behind each purpose corresponds to the basis mentioned in article 5 of this privacy statement:

  • with affiliated financial service providers for the purpose of offering complementary financial services [basis: 2];
  • if we are legally required or permitted to provide personal data to third parties [basis: 3];
  • if we suspect a violation of the rights of third parties, criminal offenses, or abuse, we may provide personal data to third parties who have a legitimate interest or to authorities that serve the public interest. This can also include law enforcement authorities, such as the Public Prosecution Service or regulators [basis: 3, 4, or 5];
  • with parties that assist Interfilter in its services and are not processors (think of accountants and (legal) advisors) [basis: 5];
  • for business economic purposes (such as the sale of business activities or shares or a reorganization) [basis: 5].

Interfilter also uses services from third parties that act as 'processors' (such as hosting service providers, mobility service providers, and research agencies for conducting market or customer satisfaction research). These service providers will only process personal data in accordance with Interfilter's instructions and under its control.

8. How long we retain data

We retain personal data in accordance with our internal data retention policy and/or as long as (i) you are a customer of Interfilter or continue to show interest in Interfilter's services, (ii) we are legally required to retain data, or (iii) we have good reasons to believe we may retain data, to the extent necessary.

9. Tracking website visits

When you visit or use our websites, services, applications, communication services (such as email), and tools, we may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to store information to personalize advertisements and provide you with a better, faster, and safer customer experience. If you do not want cookies, you can refuse them.

10. Your rights, including the right to object

You have the right to know what personal data we have recorded about you and to whom we have provided your personal data. You can contact our customer service for this. Interfilter will endeavor to respond within the statutory period. We may disregard excessive requests.

In addition to the right of access, you have the following rights regarding our processing of your personal data:

  • the right to withdraw your consent, to the extent our processing of your personal data is based on it;
  • the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority;
  • the right to rectify/correct your personal data;
  • the right to delete your personal data;
  • the right to restrict processing related to you;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the absolute right to object to direct marketing;
  • the right to object to processing based on the legitimate interests of Interfilter or a third party (depending on your personal circumstances).

You can only exercise your rights to the extent the law grants you these rights. To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your identity document with the request. We also ask you to make the passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone; the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number, and Citizen Service Number (BSN) unrecognizable on this copy.

11. Data security and protection

Interfilter applies appropriate security measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized modification as much as possible. Interfilter has taken both technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data. These security measures are periodically reviewed based on threats.

12. Contact

For questions and/or comments regarding this privacy statement, you can contact:

Interfilter BV
Seggeweg 2
3237 MK Vierpolders
Tel. 0181-31 11 87

13. Changes

The way we process personal data, and the composition or amount of data we process, may change. Therefore, we reserve the right to amend this privacy statement. You will be notified of a change if necessary. This privacy statement always indicates the latest revision date.

This statement was last revised on May 16, 2018.

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