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Oil, gas and chemicals

Oil, gas and chemicals

Nitrogen is widely used within these markets, usually with a similar purpose; Expelling oxygen to counteract (rapid) oxidative reactions. It is of great importance for safety and product quality that the nitrogen meets the correct specifications. Avilo advises and supplies solutions for the correct application of nitrogen and air at various companies in this sector.

Producing nitrogen on-site is cost-effective

  • Many of our customers choose an on-site gas system over traditional bulk supply for a variety of reasons such as;
  • Generating your own nitrogen with an on-site system is much more cost-effective
  • Transport to or at the location is not possible (drilling platforms)
  • Lack of space for bulk storage
  • A movable installation is preferred for flexibility

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Nitrogen for inerting, blanketing and purging

During the storage, processing and transport of highly flammable and oxidation-sensitive substances, safety and product quality are of the utmost importance. Nitrogen is the most widely used propelling gas to remove oxygen-containing ambient air from pipes, processes and the storage of materials.

Nitrogen for calorific value reduction

Nitrogen is added in order to convert imported or from bio-installations originating gas with a high calorific value (H-gas) into low-calorific gas (L-gas). In particular, independent parties without a connection to a fixed nitrogen network benefit from the advantages of an on-site nitrogen system.

Why is membrane technology ideal?

Partly because the required nitrogen may be of relatively low purity, membrane technology can be used. This form of nitrogen generation has no moving parts – therefore low on maintenance- and is very cost effective. The payback time of an installation for this application is very fast (<2 years).

Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals
Oil, gas and chemicals