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Dry and clean nitrogen gas is often used within the electronics manufacturing industry to expel oxygen. Oxidation can be prevented by keeping electronic components and their processing processes free from oxygen. Avilo advises and supplies solutions for the correct application of nitrogen at various companies in this sector.

Nitrogen for Wave, Reflow and Selective Soldering

Adding clean and pure nitrogen during various soldering processes within the electronics assembly prevents unwanted oxidative reactions that occur when oxygen-containing air comes into contact with the molten tin. Avilo is well informed on the different nitrogen requirements per process/machine and knows that purity is crucial for the quality and strength of the connection.

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Make your own nitrogen for the storage of electronic components

The (long-term) storage of PCBs and oxidation-sensitive electronic components can have undesirable consequences for the conductor paths and insulation layers or for the solderability of components. Adding dry, inert nitrogen in storage cabinets (dry/nitrogen cabinets) and packaging (moisture barrier bags) prevents these negative effects. The use of gas cylinders for this application often makes storage very expensive, while making the required nitrogen on-demand with a generator can often be done for a fraction of the cost.
