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Producing nitrogen yourself

Producing nitrogen yourself

Why buy nitrogen when you can produce it yourself?

As a company that regularly uses nitrogen, you are well aware of the inconveniences that come with purchasing and storing bottles or tanks of nitrogen gas. What if you could produce your own nitrogen? Right on site!

In that case, you need a nitrogen generator. But which one? Nitrogen generators come in various types and sizes. Depending on your industry, application, and available space, we advise which nitrogen generator suits you best!

Nitrogen Generators from Avilo

Avilo offers a wide range of high-quality nitrogen generators for every industry and application! We have nitrogen generators in all nitrogen classes, from purity 1.0 to 5.0.

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What is nitrogen?

Nitrogen (N2) is a colorless and odorless gas that is all around us. Approximately 78% of all air consists of nitrogen. Only 21% is oxygen, and the remaining 1% consists of various other gases. Nitrogen itself is not harmful to humans and the environment, but it can be harmful in the form of nitrogen oxides or ammonia. We humans do not use nitrogen, but it is very useful for many industrial processes. However, the 78% found in atmospheric air is not pure enough for these processes. To achieve a high purity level, a nitrogen generator is needed.

What is a nitrogen generator?

A nitrogen generator, as the name suggests, generates nitrogen. The device does this using compressed air. Thus, nitrogen can be produced at any location by "filtering" the oxygen out of the (compressed) air. Most nitrogen generators are standalone and are mounted in a housing or on a skid. They are simple to install by connecting the generator's inlet to a compressed air source and the outlet to the nitrogen line of the application. The size of a system depends on the required amount of nitrogen. There are generators as small as a shoebox, but systems can also occupy an entire factory hall.

Ideal, right? By filtering nitrogen from the (compressed) air, there is essentially an inexhaustible source of nitrogen available. It cannot run out!

What does a nitrogen generator cost?

Nitrogen generators vary greatly in price, typically ranging from €5,000 to €90,000. The final cost of a nitrogen system, however, strongly depends on specific requirements regarding capacity, purity, and additional options.

Here is a rough estimate of the prices:

  • Low-capacity nitrogen generators: €5,000 – €25,000
  • Medium-capacity nitrogen generators: €25,000 – €75,000
  • High-capacity nitrogen generators: €75,000 and higher

It is important to understand that these prices are indicative. When considering purchasing a nitrogen generator, it is essential to clearly specify the requirements, such as the desired nitrogen purity, flow, and pressure. These specifications have a significant impact on the final cost of the system.

How does a nitrogen generator work?

A nitrogen generator generates nitrogen by "filtering" oxygen out of compressed air. There are two types of generators that can do this: Membrane Nitrogen Generators and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Nitrogen Generators. Both types extract nitrogen from compressed air. More precisely, they filter the oxygen and other unwanted substances out of the compressed air as it flows through the generator. The specific operation of the generator depends on the technology applied.

How does a membrane nitrogen generator work?

A membrane nitrogen generator produces nitrogen using advanced hollow fiber membrane technology, which separates compressed air into two distinct streams. The operation of a membrane nitrogen generator is extremely simple. The generator requires compressed air with a pressure between 5 and 13 bar(g). The compressed air flows through a semi-permeable membrane consisting of numerous hollow polymer fibers, similar to thin straws.

As the compressed air flows through these straws, unwanted molecules such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor are pushed through the fiber walls, but the nitrogen molecules are not and remain inside the fibers. At the end of thousands of hollow fibers, a pure stream of nitrogen emerges. The other stream, containing the separated gases, exits the membrane at the side as a byproduct.

Generating nitrogen using gas membranes or membrane technology has many advantages in terms of energy consumption, lifecycle, and product properties.

How does a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generator work?

A PSA nitrogen generator uses two columns filled with an adsorbent, often called a molecular sieve. The clean and dry compressed air, which serves as the feed for the generator, flows through one of the two columns. In this column, the adsorbent absorbs oxygen and other unwanted molecules, while the nitrogen flows freely.

After a column becomes saturated after a few minutes, it is abruptly depressurized, releasing the absorbed oxygen molecules from the adsorbent. Meanwhile, the compressed air is redirected to the other column, where the same process is repeated. This cycle continues uninterrupted to fill a storage tank. This storage tank acts as a buffer, absorbing any pressure and purity fluctuations and ensuring a continuous supply of high-quality nitrogen to the process.

Where can I use a nitrogen generator?

Nitrogen generators are used in 99% of cases to produce nitrogen that displaces oxygen from the process. Some examples of where a nitrogen generator can be used include:

  • Food Industry: The air in food packaging often contains less oxygen and more nitrogen to prevent, among other things, bacterial growth and spoilage. This keeps the product fresher for longer and better preserves the taste, smell, and texture.
  • Oil, Gas & Chemicals: Air that comes into contact with highly flammable substances and materials is replaced by nitrogen, which contains little to no oxygen, to prevent combustion and explosion.
  • Other Applications: Processing of plastics and metals often takes place in a nitrogen atmosphere to improve the quality of the end product.

Avilo supplies on-site gas generation systems worldwide for a wide variety of applications across diverse markets. Here you will find a selection of the most common applications for which we have previously supplied nitrogen generators.

Why should I buy a nitrogen generator?

You don't have to. At Avilo, we primarily rent nitrogen generators. If you like the generator, you can always purchase it from us later. We understand that purchasing a nitrogen generator may seem like a significant investment. However, it is more cost-effective in the long run than continuing to buy nitrogen gas.

All the benefits at a glance renting a nitrogen generator has many benefits:

  1. It is cheaper than bulk delivery of nitrogen gas. You can have nitrogen delivered in bulk and store it on-site in large tanks. However, this involves relatively high transport and storage costs. These tanks also take up a lot of space and their use is subject to many regulations. Moreover, besides a tank, you also need a vaporizer before you can use the nitrogen. Not ideal.

  2. It is more efficient than storing nitrogen bottles. Storing nitrogen bottles (or cylinders) takes up a lot of floor space. Space that you might prefer to use for something else. Moreover, you need certain permits to store nitrogen safely in this way. Transporting full (and empty) bottles is also not exactly cheap or sustainable.

  3. The nitrogen generator guarantees a 24/7 supply of nitrogen. Nitrogen bottles or tanks always run out at the wrong time. However, with a nitrogen generator, you will never run out of nitrogen. The generator can generate nitrogen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  4. You are independent of nitrogen manufacturers and their variable prices. Nitrogen gas prices are subject to market fluctuations. By producing nitrogen yourself, you avoid surprises and are assured of a fixed, all-inclusive monthly price. You always know what to expect.

  5. And, not unimportantly, it is much more environmentally friendly than buying nitrogen gas. Making your own nitrogen with a rental generator has a lower CO2 footprint than bulk delivery via road transport.

Installing a nitrogen generator in your company

Renting a nitrogen generator offers many benefits, regardless of the industry you are active in! We want to be an all-round partner. For us, this means that in addition to delivery (rental or final purchase), installation, and maintenance of the equipment, we also take care of all aspects surrounding the purchase of a system. This includes, for example, piping, certification, or reinspection of a system. The latter is, of course, applicable for final purchase. But we also happily share knowledge about specific regulations in your market. We aim to build long-term relationships with our customers, often starting with honest advice and the promise to deliver more than we say. Are you curious about our range of nitrogen generators? Check out our extensive assortment.

Nitrogen Generators from Avilo Avilo has the right nitrogen generator for every industry and application. Do you need high-purity nitrogen, such as nitrogen class 5? Choose a PSA generator. Is purity less important to you (up to 99.6%)? Then choose a membrane generator.

Why choose Avilo?

  • Quick delivery of products. We are a stockholding manufacturer and supplier with very short delivery times. Whether it's standard nitrogen & hydrogen generators, turn-key projects like skid construction and container construction, or OEM projects where we develop a nitrogen-producing unit for your application in consultation with you, we can deliver products and projects very quickly, even when they still need to be fully developed.

  • Urgency when needed. We offer a suitable maintenance contract that includes travel costs and labor hours – even for emergency visits – for each of our products. Well-maintained equipment rarely fails, but if downtime occurs, we are ready for you. Our quick response to service requests is unique in the market and a reason for many customers to choose Avilo.

  • Flexible rental & lease options. Purchasing a gas-producing unit often pays for itself quickly. Don't want to buy or only need nitrogen or hydrogen temporarily? When purchasing is not desired, we can also offer systems based on a rental/lease construction. Even then, producing your own gas is often still cheaper than gas from bulk supply such as gas bottles. Click here for more information about renting.

  • A wide range of markets. Our customers are active in a wide variety of markets, which is why we have a broad product range with all the different gas generation technologies. Unlike other suppliers, we can thus offer the most suitable form of gas generation for your application.

  • Avilo. Promise a lot. Deliver more. Avilo is an all-round partner. In addition to the delivery, installation, and maintenance of equipment, we can also handle all aspects surrounding the purchase of a system for you. Think of, for example, piping or any certification or reinspection of a system. But we also gladly share knowledge about specific regulations in your market. We aim to build long-term relationships with our customers, often starting with honest advice and the promise to deliver more than we say.

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