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Lage zuiverheid stikstof voor LCMS-systemen

Nitrogen use in a relationship in a laboratory in the food industry. Our relationship works for various clients in the food industry, mainly specializing in specialty foods, including milk powders and infant nutrition, as well as cereals and other nutritious dry products.

About the collaboration with Avilo

For over 15 years, Avilo has been the producer and supplier of nitrogen generators for LCMS systems at this company in the food industry. Nitrogen generators from Avilo have been used for analyses in the QC laboratory from the beginning. Over time, more analyses and instruments have been added, increasing nitrogen consumption. In addition to nitrogen generators, Avilo also supplied a new compressed air supply for this new lab. After expanding the building and the laboratory, the compressed air and N2 supply were moved to a new technical room. In addition to the move, it was also decided to duplicate the installations. This way, the system with 100% backup has proven to be extremely reliable over the years, and the company never has to worry about process downtime.

Higher purity nitrogen

Recently, Avilo advised replacing not one but both generators in the nitrogen installation with two new OmniFluxx generators of the same capacity and technology. These were due for replacement. The latest OmniFluxx generators feature new control with a touchscreen controller. Our relationship now benefits from two identical up-to-date N2 systems and a 100% backup guarantee in case one of the two generators stops. In addition, both systems deliver the same constant pressure and purity, resulting in a 24/7 production process.

Nitrogen specifications

The installation provides nitrogen with the following values:







Flow - L/min

For more information on self-producing nitrogen and its benefits, feel free to contact us.