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Lage zuiverheid stikstof voor Aqualysis

Aqualysis Water Laboratory

Aqualysis is an accredited laboratory (RvA L230) specializing in water research. The laboratory provides services to water boards using modern analytical techniques. Their expertise lies in sampling, chemical analysis, bacteriological, and hydrobiological research. They are known for their professionalism, innovation, and customer-focused service, offering quick and reliable advice due to their short communication lines.

The Origin of Collaboration

Within their network of water board laboratories, Aqualysis requested references from suppliers. Avilo was identified as a good and reliable supplier, forming the basis for successful collaboration.

Increase in Nitrogen Consumption at Aqualysis

Aqualysis used liquid nitrogen for highly pure applications, but the introduction of new LCMS systems led to a significant increase in nitrogen consumption, especially for low-purity 98% nitrogen. The existing method with a fixed liquid nitrogen tank proved insufficient, requiring refills twice a week and posing a risk of system downtime during analysis runs. Therefore, a more efficient and self-sustaining solution was necessary.

Continuous Nitrogen Supply Without Downtime

Avilo recommended deploying the SuperFluxx nitrogen generator, along with a new compressed air supply featuring two new air compressors. The Avilo SuperFluxx produces low-purity nitrogen that precisely meets the requirements of the LCMS systems. To ensure continuity, two compressors were installed to handle any potential disruptions. This ensures uninterrupted nitrogen production and analysis.







Flow - L/min

Self-sustaining in nitrogen gas

By switching to a membrane technology nitrogen generator, Aqualysis is now self-sufficient in nitrogen production. This has improved continuity and prevented downtime during analysis runs. Thanks to Avilo's solution, nitrogen supply is reliable and downtime is avoided. While the return on investment (ROI) currently matches the depreciation period, it is expected to yield long-term financial benefits, especially with additional expansions of LCMS systems. By using a nitrogen generator that meets purity requirements, Aqualysis no longer needs regular refills of the liquid nitrogen storage tank, saving additional costs and effort.

For more information on self-producing nitrogen and its benefits, feel free to contact us.