In Q2 -2022, we will build the largest generator since Avilo was founded in 2001 on behalf of a worldwide producer of sustainable fuels. This system, with a unique proportional production capability, will produce large amounts of high-quality nitrogen for inerting processes and the blanketing of storage tanks.

The Avilo designed system consists of a skid with 11 SmartFluxx SA15020 nitrogen membranes, which can be proportionally put into use by means of in-house written software. Set to a purity of >99.00%, this system can produce a maximum of 8m3 nitrogen gas per minute.

Normally we recommend a PSA system for this capacity and purity. However, the customer has a fluctuating consumption pattern, whereby 15% to 20% of the maximum production capacity is mostly used and 100% is only occasionally required. By dividing the membranes over different pressure bands (start/stop settings), the system will gradually produce more depending on the consumption of the plant.

The distribution of membranes over these different pressure groups can be changed after commissioning, so that the system can adapt to a changing consumption pattern of the plant. This set-up has a very positive effect on the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the system in comparison to a system based on PSA-technology. This proved to be an important selling argument during the quotation fase.

All preparations are now in full swing and we lookin forward to the successful completion of this challenging assignment.

Are you curious about how your process can be supplied with nitrogen as efficiently as possible? Or do you want to know more about the different nitrogen production methods.

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