Nitrogen gas has various applications within the plastics processing industry. For example, it is used in manufacturing to prevent oxidation, which causes discoloration and affects the integrity of the polymer. Nitrogen can also be used as a propellant in, among other things; gas-assisted injection molding (GAIM) and extrusion.
Nitrogen for Hot Melt applications
When processing Hotmelts, nitrogen can be used to make a foam from the liquid polymer adhesive. However, it is usually used to prevent the glue from hardening / charring. This negative reaction also occurs when the product comes into contact with oxygen. This process can be counteracted by providing storage tanks with a layer of nitrogen and/or using nitrogen as a propellant during the processing of the adhesive.
Nitrogen for Hot Melt process
Avilo has been supplying systems to both large and small processors/users of hotmelts for more than 10 years. In contract of a manufacturer of hot melt systems we’ve even developed a compact generator that produces exactly the right amount and purity of nitrogen to be used at the point of use at the application head. Of course we offer a suitable generator for all types of hot melt systems.