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Various gases are used in pharmacy. Nitrogen is mainly used during production and storage to expel oxygen so that the product or raw material can be safely processed without further attack by oxidation.

Produce on-demand nitrogen for inerting, blanketing and purging

When storing and transporting raw components for medicines - APIs - safety and product quality are of the utmost importance. That is why contact with – often humid – ambient air must be prevented so that moisture and oxidative reactions cannot affect these substances. Nitrogen is the most widely used transport/propelling gas within the pharmaceutical industry to remove oxygen-containing ambient air from pipes, processes and the storage of materials. Avilo is well aware of the qualifications that gases must meet within the pharmaceutical industry and therefore supplies installations that fully comply with the requirements of the FDA and European Pharmacopoeia.

Producing nitrogen on-site is cost-effective

Many of our customers choose an on-site gas system over traditional bulk supply for a variety of reasons such as;

  • Generating your own nitrogen with an on-site system is much more cost-effective
  • Lack of space for bulk storage
  • A movable installation is preferred for flexibility

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Sterile and Safe Nitrogen for Pharmacy

Atmospheric contamination should be avoided during the manufacturing and packaging of sterile pharmaceutical products. Moisture contamination and oxidative reactions take place when products come into contact with ambient air. In such cases creating an over-pressure with nitrogen can prevent these effects.

FDA & European Pharmacopoeia

Creating positive pressure prevents the ingress of contaminated air, eliminating the risk of contamination. Nitrogen produced with an on-site installation fully complies with the requirements of the FDA and European Pharmacopoeia and can be used directly for production and packaging applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical Laboratory

Hydrogen, nitrogen and other gases consumed in the laboratory are intended for analytical applications. Would you like to have information about how to generate on-site gas for analytical applications? Then look at the laboratory applications.

Why choose Avilo?

Avilo is an experienced specialist in the field of modified atmosphere packaging within the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve helped many business  to succesfully protect their product quality and safety while reducing their gas costs.

Want to learn more about how you can safely protect your product and processes with nitrogen gas? Then contact us directly!
