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Fumigation & Pest control

Fumigation & Pest control

Pest control through fumigation with nitrogen is an effective way to eliminate various types of pests in a given environment. Fumigation is a method where a sealed space is filled with gas to kill insects, fungi, bacteria, and other harmful organisms present. Fumigation with nitrogen involves filling the space with nitrogen gas, which is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to other pest control methods.

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Nitrogen is a naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere and is non-toxic in its pure form. When nitrogen is used for fumigation, the gas is pumped into the space containing the products to be treated at high concentrations. The nitrogen displaces oxygen from the air, creating an oxygen-depleted environment that is harmful to insects and other organisms that require oxygen to survive.

Fumigation with nitrogen is an effective method for controlling various types of pests, including bedbugs, moths, cockroaches, beetles, mites, flies, and spiders. It can also be used to kill fungi and bacteria that have taken hold in food storage areas and other spaces.

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