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Compressed air dryer

Compressed air dryer

What is a Compressed Air Dryer?

You may be wondering what exactly a compressed air dryer is. Here's a brief explanation:

Compressed air is obtained through a compressor and consists of a gas mixture that always contains water vapor. The amount of water absorbed in the compressed air depends on the temperature of the air. When the temperature rises during compression, the likelihood of more water vapor being absorbed increases.

As the compressed air cools, large amounts of condensation occur. You want to avoid condensation as much as possible because it can cause damage to tools and equipment.

Most malfunctions occur due to excessive moisture in the compressed air, which can lead to production interruptions. Therefore, it's essential to dry the compressed air, and a compressed air dryer is needed for this purpose.

Compressed Air Dryer with Dew Point between +3 and +5 Degrees Celsius

The amount of water in the compressed air is expressed by the dew point: the temperature at which the water vapor in the compressed air begins to condense. A compressed air dryer is applicable when the dew point of the compressed air is between +3 and +5 degrees Celsius. The compressed air dryer ensures that the air is dried to a certain level.

Purchasing a Compressed Air Dryer?

When you purchase a compressed air dryer from Avilo in Dirksland, you benefit from fast delivery, 24-hour service, and immediate availability of products and parts.

Want to know more about Avilo's compressed air dryer? Contact us for answers to all your questions.

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