Avilo is moving!

As you have probably already heard, Avilo is acquired by Interfilter Group in March 2024. In connection with the aqcuiring, a number of things will change. For example, we will leave our business premises in Dirksland for a new building in Vierpolders and our payment details will change.

Change of postal and visiting address

Avilo will move to Interfilter Group in Vierpolders as of September 11, 2024. Our new postal and visiting address from that moment on will be:

Seggeweg 2, 3237 MK Vierpolders, The Netherlands

We kindly request that you send all your correspondence and deliveries to this new address from the above date.

Change of payment details

Our payment details will also change. With effect from September 1, 2024, our IBAN number will change as follows:

IBAN: NL92INGB0104906871


We kindly request that you use these new details for all payments from the above date.

Questions about our move?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached via our telephone number +31(0)187-48 13 66 or email address info@avilo.nl

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